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Week 15: Marketing the Fiction Collection

 At the library I currently work at, we have a few different ways that we market our fiction collection. The first way is by highlighting the new titles added to the collection with “new” labels taped to the spine of the book. These books will remain on display at the front of the library for patrons to see as soon as they enter. For right now, there is overflow display in the shelves and at a display that is updated monthly. This display is the second way that we currently market the fiction collection. I manage the display, and update it at the beginning of every month with a theme, poster, and book selections. For the next few months I plan on working with the theme for our Summer Reading Program, which is Read, Renew, Repeat for this year. It is currently highlighting specific new titles that have been popular online, with a focus on fantasy titles. The final way we highlight our fiction collection is through our facebook page. I assist the Programming Technician with running t...

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